Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Cookie Dough Dip

I’ve often wanted to try a cookie dough dip, but there are so many recipes out there, I didn’t know which to pick. After much research, I decided to use this one that was from Add A Pinch. It boasts to being the best out there, and I have to say it’s pretty dang good! Being an easy enough recipe, I actually had my lovely assistant chef Miss Megan make it under my guiding hand. We both gave it a thumbs up and brought it to a potluck event. Instead of regular chocolate chips, I used minis and I believe this made it better as far as the texture.

So, let’s get cooking with Megan!

With an electric mixer, cream together the cream cheese and softened butter. Mix in the powdered sugar and brown sugar, then the vanilla, beating well. You can see how satiny smooth this is!

Stir in the mini chocolate chips.

Serve with any of these: Teddy grahams, honey grahams, chocolate grahams, animal crackers, ‘Nilla wafers. 

Enjoy! ~TMMF

Cookie Dough Dip

1 8 oz pkg cream cheese
½ c butter, softened
1 c confectioner’s sugar
2 Tbl brown sugar
1 ½ tsp vanilla
1 c mini chocolate chips

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