Thursday, November 16, 2017

Sweet Potato Biscuits

Biscuits…to the British they are what we would call a cracker, or even a cookie. According to, biscuits are described thusly: a kind of bread in small, soft cakes, raised with baking powder or soda, or sometimes with yeast.

To me they are lovely little accompaniments to any soup or stew, or even just gravy. I’ve made many different kinds of biscuits in my lifetime of cooking thus far, but I have to say that sweet potato biscuits are at the tippity top of my favorites.

They are sweet, but whereas I much prefer other flavors over sweet, I’ve cut down the sugar in them to a more palatable amount, but still retaining that distinctive flavor.

While not so sweet as to be discordant with savory stews, these biscuits are sweet enough to stand alone as a snack with coffee or tea. They’re also a hit at potluck gatherings, and some in the family have been known to let out boisterous whoops of joy upon discovering them on the menu.

So, let’s get cooking! 

The sweet potatoes can be cooked in the oven or the microwave, until soft.
Remove them from their “jackets” with a spoon. No need to mash; they will get enough of that in the mixing.

Using a wire whisk, mix together the hot sweet potatoes, shortening, and sugar.
Add the buttermilk, then stir in the dry ingredients with a wooden spoon. 

On a lightly floured surface, roll the dough to about an inch thick.
It’s actually easier to just pat it out with your hands, which is what I do.Cut the biscuits out using a cup dipped in flour, or, as I did, simply use a butter knife to cut into squares. 

Bake in a 350° oven for about 13 minutes. And serve. Last night I made them to go along with a delightful beef stew. Enjoy! ~TMMF

Sweet Potato Biscuits

2 c hot cooked sweet potatoes
½ c shortening
¾ c sugar
¼ c plus 2 Tbl buttermilk
3 c flour
4 tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt

Sweet Potato Biscuits

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